Here’s the good news: You don’t have to redesign your website every year to be successful. In fact, the opposite is quite true. After a major revamp, you should let your customers settle into the change and get used to your new branding. Just think of Facebook. When the company initially introduced the newsfeed customers rebelled, but now it’s an essential part of their service.
While you should give your customers some time to settle into the changes of a big redesign, like any healthy garden it’s important to tend to the small tweaks and changes to improve functionality and user experience. Generally, three to six months is a good timeframe to start tweaking small changes. This can happen over time, until your feel it’s time for your website to be redesigned again.
Remember, your website is a 24/7 employee that needs to grow with your company. If it’s not doing anything for you, it’s time for a redesign.
When do you know it’s time to redesign your website? Check out our red flag signals here and make sure to tweet us @52pickupinc with the hashtag #WinningWeb.
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