You may have heard the words “tweet,” “#hashtag,” “@mention” and “follow” but what do they mean to you?
What’s Twitter?
Twitter is a real-time social networking service that businesses and consumers use to share news and ideas in 140 characters or less. While building a loyal base of followers is important, Twitter is also about portraying a company image. Your products. Your voice. Your brand. Twitter is a way to reach a larger audience and it’s completely FREE.
Who’s on Twitter?
There are roughly 11 million active Twitter users in Canada and 200 million active users worldwide. Twitter isn’t just for teenagers. In fact, 55% of users are over 30.
What can Twitter do for your business?
Think of tweeters as potential customers. Being able to interact in real time with these customers can grow your business in two ways:
Business to Business (B2B)
– Generate leads/sales with other businesses
– Keep your eye on competition
– Reach new potential partners, suppliers and employees
Business to Customer (B2C)
– Reach new customers
– Manage current customers by interacting with them directly
– Project a progressive company image
– Build your reputation
Who else is on Twitter?
Believe us, there are more users on Twitter than Justin Bieber. Everyone from Tim Hortons to Stephen Harper interact with followers online.
I have Twitter already, what next?
Have Twitter already? Great. Here’s how to maximize it in five minutes a day:
1) Be strategic in when you tweet: Twitter engagement rates are 17% higher on Saturday and Sunday. Engagement is 30% higher between 8am-7pm. That’s a big window!
2) Share links: 92% of engagement with a brand is clicking links, while 78% is retweeting.
3) Share images: Tweets with image links double the likelihood of engagement. This presents a great opportunity to tweet images of your product, employees and booth.
4) Be concise: Tweets with less than 100 characters get 17% more interaction.
5) Hashtags: Choose two subjects and put a “#” in front of the word. These are called hashtags and they allow your tweet to show up in search engines more often. Examples: #QuoteOfTheDay #CGTA #Twitter.
6) Bonus tip: If you really want your tweet to be retweeted, just ask! If you put a simple “RT” with your message, it’s 23X more likely to be shared.
Have Twitter already? Follow us at @52pickupinc. Let us know how you engage with users online. Tweet us with the hashtag #SizzlingSocial.
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